Thanks so much for requesting the Top 3 Safe Money Strategies report.

You can download the report now on the top of this page.

In this brief report, I’ll give you the top 3 ways my clients use DCF Income Payments to find portfolio stability, enhanced yield, and fixed income.

DCF Income Payments have come to form the core guaranteed holding for many of my clients.  We use these payment streams to create …

  1. Income
  2. Safety
  3. Yield

… in retirement portfolios.  So download the report.

DCF Income Payments At A Glance

Just in case you’re not already familiar with them, DCF Income Payments, also known in the market as secondary market annuities, are fixed payment streams from top-rated insurance carriers that come from structured settlements and lawsuits.

But the people who receive these awards sometimes need to sell their future payments for cash today.

Unlike most annuities, original owners of these ‘structured settlement’ annuities cannot surrender their policies directly with the carriers. Instead, they need to transfer payments in a rigorously monitored and court-ordered transfer process.

That’s where we come in….

My wholesale company buys millions of dollars of payments every month.  I’ve been buying and selling these payment streams for many years and have a deep network of attorneys and agents who source deals for me.

I distribute the payments I buy through my retail financial planning firm and this website,, as well as through a network of agents nationwide.

In fact, you have probably seen my inventory ALL OVER the web.

But now you have the inside track and can work directly with the OFFICIAL source.

Now that you’re working directly with the source, you will get early notification of new deals, and best of all, working directly with me allows you to lay out custom orders. I routinely buy payments for clients on a ‘custom order’ basis, and those deals never hit the inventory listings.

In the next few days, I’ll send you more information about DCF Income Payments.  I’ll also send a buyers guide and links to videos about this exciting asset class.

So thanks for coming by.  I hope you enjoy the Top 3 Safe Money Strategies report, don’t forget to download the report. And when you’re ready to get started with me or have any questions, you can always make an appointment.

Reach out to us if you’d like to:

  • Schedule a 1-on-1 video call to discuss your specific needs and situation
  • Ask questions about products, carriers, or DCF Income Payments
  • Discuss how a DCF Income Payments and newly-issued annuities may (or may not) fit into your portfolio

nathaniel pulsifer of dcf annuities

Nathaniel M. Pulsifer, Owner of DCF Annuities
(800) 246-1932 | [email protected] | Linkedin